Music and Words home

promo pic solo
Kevin Kittredge and Molly, his 1939 Kay
upright bass. Photo by Siobhan Donegan Cline

Kevin Kittredge wrote for daily newspapers for 30 years.  He is now a freelance writer (that’s actually Fyodor Dostoyevski’s writing desk below, not his) and musician. This long-overdue website is his effort to bring the strands of his creative life together.  Think of it as an introduction to all things Kevin, including his new travel memoir, “Dreamlands.”

To contact Kevin, use the contact form on this website or email

You can read his latest blog post and the many that came before it here.

Dostoyevski's desk
Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s writing room, St. Petersburg, Russia.

*Unless otherwise noted, all writing and photography on is by Kevin Kittredge and cannot be reused without permission. Feel free to share links!